Friday, September 18, 2009

More Midnite Premieres Scheduled for Hawaii

I'm proud to announce that local Twilighters have made their voices heard! Most likely due to the popularity of the last Twilight film in Hawaii, Consolidated theaters has also started selling tickets for a special midnite release for the upcoming New Moon movie!
This brings the count to eight (count 'em, eight!) theaters on Oahu. Just the thought of hundreds of locals gathering simultaneously to watch Edward & Jacob on the big screen is getting me even more antsy!
Come on, November, hurry up!!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Supernatural Fall TV Lineup

I hardly watch tv unless VH1's "My Antonio" is on, or unless I have CNN on in the background. But after catching a glimpse of some of the new shows starting this fall, I might be putting in more tube time!

The Vampire Diaries: Oh, Hello?... Just the name alone is enough to want to make you watch this series. Throw in a bunch of good looking actors and - really, need I say anything more? I saw the pilot episode last week, and it looks promising; although it veers away from the book quite a bit from what I've been reading so far. Paul Wesley plays Stephan (whose name I like already), and that dude that got killed off early on LOST plays Damon, his evil brother who tries to steal away the main character Elena. Talk about a bizarre love triangle.

Eastwick: You remember the movie, right? "Witches of Eastwick?" With Michelle Pfeiffer and some other two ladies? This new show is based on that movie, which is actually based on a book with the same title by John Updike. It stars Rebecca Romijin, and some other two ladies. Starts 9/23 on ABC. Is this going to be like an older "Charmed"?

Three Rivers: Hey, it's the "Moonlight" guy! (Not to be confused with "Moonlighting", which is a different show in all possible ways.) So I guess Aussie Alex O'Loughlin's doing ok! Sorry, the sexiness factor goes down quite a few notches when his role as vampire-detective switches to medical doctor... but here's an interesting factoid on the actor: he was once considered for Daniel Craig's role as James Bond! I don't know if that would've really worked, unless 007 became Vamp007.

Enjoy these shows if you catch 'em, and let me know what you think of them!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Latest New Moon Trailer: My Commentary

Well, this is probably the third and last New Moon trailer that's coming out. I have to say that it's awesome!!! The first trailer was a good opener to what the feel of the film was going to be like, and the second was well.... all about JACOB! So of course that's all good, too. But seeing this last trailer pushed me back over to Team Edward's side for sure. Here are some neat things I noticed from it:

We finally get a decent look at the Volturi, and just how important/scary they are to the series. From reading another blog post, I've learned that the scene where a victim is being disposed of may be a flashback, because if you look closely in the background you'll see Carlisle wearing clothing from that period. A ha...

Next there's the infamous break-up scene and a direct tie-in with the book where Edward asks Bella to promise not to "do anything reckless." I love the following scenes where you can really see how much Bella is hurting from losing Edward. I think this is a really important element to how close the movie is to the book, because for most of it Bella is empty, like she has a hole ripped into her that actually causes her pain. The part where she is screaming on the bed in the middle of the night is so "New Moon", I'm sure Stephenie will love it!

Notice that Edward's car is BLACK??? Not silver??? Woops....

Then we see Jacob and the motorcycle scene, and finally some shots of Bella's attempt to go out with Jessica and also the Mike-Bella-Jacob date scene! I heard that Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner fought hard to keep this scene in the movie. It is important.

Oooo, then some awesome shots of the cliff diving scene. Those waves do actually look scary, they did a good job with that. And here you get a glimpse of just how crazy Bella is (like the book) and how she would easily risk her life just to see Edward in her head. (An upside down Edward!)

Double Ooooo, then we see a beautiful, semi-naked Jacob pulling her out of the water and consoling her as he's dripping all over. ~Shiver!~

Then here comes Alice with the news that Edward's going to commit suicide. Frankly, I don't think they should've revealed this in the trailer, because it's so obvious that Bella manages to reach Edward in time! First you see them racing in the yellow Porsche (can kinda tell that it's a fake background), then Bella jumping through the water fountain to save a semi-naked Edward. Then all of a sudden they're both facing the Volturi! Like duh, you shouldn't give it away... I do love Jacob's "Please, stay here, for me" look, though. Intense!

One of my favorite parts of this trailer is when the lovely if not sickly looking Edward telling Felix "You can go to hell" - the look he gives him is classic! So it looks like Demetri is just idly standing by for most of the trailer, because then we cut to the action sequences with Edward battling it out with Felix! I must say, it's not in the book, but it's very nice.

Oh, before that you see Charlie and his police buds looking for someone in the woods, then a bad guy dropping down from the trees. Can't tell if it's Victoria or Laurent. And another added bonus! The fight scene between Laurent and the wolves which was only implied in the book has made it to the screen. I think this is great, because the book itself is rather dialogue heavy and doesn't have much action. But I hope they don't draw out the battle too long, because the wolves were supposed to finish off Laurent super easy.

Much better wolf CG!!! They actually look menacing instead of cute.

I never realized that Edward is literally getting his butt kicked by Felix. How are they going to end this fight? Exciting stuff! This trailer just gave me the added anticipation I needed to decide that I was going to the midnite premiere after all.

What do you think of the new trailer?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Twilight Eyes Quiz

Do you know your Twilight characters? Well let's test your knowledge with a little quiz on these faces! You gotta admit, for some of them you just don't get tired from looking at them... and be sure to post your results so I know how you did!

Monday, September 14, 2009

How to Live with a Twilighter: A Man's Survival Guide

As I watch the screen of my computer, an excited squeak bubbles up and almost escapes my lips as I gaze at a new picture of Taylor Lautner filming on the set of Eclipse. Then I stop and catch myself, realizing that the other love of my life is sitting there playing video games, a mere 15ft away. I figure I better not start gushing or it'll alert him and he'll wonder what in the world I'm doing drooling here like a teenager. Guys - have you not exhaled a breath of frustration over the silly giddiness that your girlfriend/wife has displayed over this dumb Twilight madness? Well look no further, I'm about to decode this crazy behavior and make your lives a bit easier:

More Guy Time: Although it seems that we gush and rant about Twilight all the time, it doesn't mean that you have to sit there and give us your undivided attention. Just throw us a nod and mumble, "that's great" and get to something you're much more interested in! For my husband, I think he can safely assume that when I'm reading or on the computer surfing the Twilight wave it's safe to start playing video games, knowing that I'll be in my own world for awhile. So think of it as a golden opportunity to have more time to yourselves to do whatever you want. (Hello? What could be sweeter?)

Prevent the Cheating: I know this is kind of a lame excuse, but when your wife or girlfriend is staring at hot Twilight guys, aren't you the teeny, tiniest bit relieved that at least it's a fictional character, and not another man? Our lusting over guys in books and movies is done safely at home in our own little fantasy world, and not in some bar or strip club, at least.

Happy Ladies Equal Happy Homes: Come on, if someone were to offer you a choice between living with a grouchy, frustrated woman or a content, vibrant one, wouldn't it be a no-brainer? When we let our fantasies loose and give in to the emotions involved with loving a book character or movie star, it makes for one happy lady. Think of it as someone else doing half the work for you.

Fitting the Budget: Finally, if any of these reasons aren't convincing enough for you, maybe this one will. Being a Twilight fan is relatively cheap! This is not a hobby that requires purchasing an absurd amount of money on equipment, supplies, or membership fees. A book costs an average ten bucks, and can last us quite awhile. And even if we do end up reading it in one sitting, at least it'll still be there to read again later! Throw in some fan merchandise here and there along with a movie outing, and we're good to go! You have to admit this can't hurt your wallet too much... and just what will you do with all that extra money??

So sit tight and be reassured, oh companion of the Twilight fan, that although this mania may seem absurd at times, it is really good for the two of you. And one last thing - you'll never be in a bind when it comes to figuring out what to buy for us. Life just couldn't get any simpler...

... this blog is dedicated to my husband Shawn, who is understanding enough to let me reenact my teenage years when that squeak of delight does ocassionally come out! Thanks, hon.