In the first video he is asked about stunts he did, and he talked about "wrestling with a 7ft bodybuilder and getting beat up." Then the lady asks him if it was another vampire, and Rob clarifies "yes, it was a vampire, I wasn't actually wresting with a bodybuilder!" Cute.
Then in the second part he is asked about the Volturi, and he mentions that they are over 2,000yrs old. He then goes on to say something like "I am always surprised that they look very Caucasian-like. You would expect someone that old to look more.... shorter, or caveman-like." And I realized he has a really good point, because they would've been born around the B.C. ages, right? (That is, if they are really over 2,000yrs old!)
He makes cute and funny, out-there comments, and that is why I love him sooooooo..... hee hee!
Check it out if you have 10mins to kill.