Saturday, December 5, 2009

Valentine's Day Trailer

Here I go again, posting videos! Sorry...
But it's a trailer for Taylor's upcoming romantic comedy called "Valentine's Day"! But much to my disappointment, he is NOT in the trailer... dude, whoever marketed this thing is sooooo going the wrong way, because Taylor is IN & HOT right now!
After watching the preview I definitely want to go see it, looks like a cute movie. But oddly reminds me "He's Just Not That Into You" or some other romantic comedy that has a ton of famous actors in it.

New Moon Quiz

Test your Twi-knowledge with this movie-based quiz on New Moon, it's pretty neat! You can take it here. Only thing is, I'm not so sure which one I got wrong...
New Moon - Could you make it as a member of the Cullen family?
Find New Moon at LocateTV

Taylor the Amazing Grape Catcher!

I don't normally put videos on my blog page, but this is a must-see. It's the ending part of Taylor Lautner's interview with Conan, and towards the end of the clip Conan asks him to demonstrate his rumoured amazing grape catching skills. Taylor agrees, and WOW! That boy is talented! I mean, I don't even think Petey can do that! Val moves up a notch on the Team Jacob ladder...

Taylor Lautner on SNL!

Yes! Finally, a Twilight cast member hosting SNL!
This should be great - don't forget to watch it on December 12th. Musical guest will be Bon Jovi.
What I'd like to see Taylor doing: a parody of Rob playing Edward? That would totally crack me up.

What Did He Say?!

You might need a translator for some of the sayings from New Moon. Which are not, by the way, in the book!
Here's one from the almost-kiss scene with Jacob in Bella's kitchen. Just before he reaches in to land her one, he softly mutters something in his native Quileute language, leaving fans like us wanting to know the meaning!
Good thing there are crazies like me posting the answers so I may easily Google them!

Friday, December 4, 2009

New Moon for the FOURTH time!!!

They say third time's a charm??? I say it's more like fourth!
Just saw New Moon with my gals +1 Twi-newb, and can't say that I'm tired of it yet!
Figured out that they have an Edward sped-up scene as he gets out of the truck after taking her home from that ill-fated birthday party. Didn't even notice that the first/second/third time! (Enter Esme "hello, he's a vampire?!")
My sis, who officially announced to me that she's on Team Jacob (whatever!) after seeing New Moon also brought to my attention Bella's "hungry eyes". Hungry as in can't take her eyeballs off of Jacob's chest! After she mentioned it I made sure to watch out for it, and sure enough she hardly looked him in the eyes! But you know, it could be that she is really getting into the role of Bella, who is so down-in-the-dumps that she can't even look at people's faces... no? Yeah, can't blame her for looking where she does anyhoots.
She also mentioned that the ending with Victoria is very unclear to an non-reader. Absolutely correct, all we see is her sinking back into the water maliciously... and it isn't explained why she didn't just attack Bella & Jacob on the beach.
And Edward's telephone call - I just realized that they didn't follow the book in the sense that Jacob thought it was Carlisle calling. In the movie he is very aware that it's Edward's voice?
Our Twi-newb gal pal does agree that Jacob's abs are indeed yummy=looking, but she can't get over that fact how cruel Bella is in the movie. And yes, it's true. I think she seems a tad bit more selfish on screen than in the book. I guess she does a lot more explaining/discouraging to Jacob in the book, that's why.
So yea, just some tidbits I picked up here and there... all I can say/sigh is "Oh, Edward..."