Sunday, December 27, 2009

Ed's Interview

I decided to click on this video link when I saw it posted on the New Moon site, just because Rob looked extra gooooorgeous in it, but it was actually pretty funny the things he said!
In the first video he is asked about stunts he did, and he talked about "wrestling with a 7ft bodybuilder and getting beat up." Then the lady asks him if it was another vampire, and Rob clarifies "yes, it was a vampire, I wasn't actually wresting with a bodybuilder!" Cute.
Then in the second part he is asked about the Volturi, and he mentions that they are over 2,000yrs old. He then goes on to say something like "I am always surprised that they look very Caucasian-like. You would expect someone that old to look more.... shorter, or caveman-like." And I realized he has a really good point, because they would've been born around the B.C. ages, right? (That is, if they are really over 2,000yrs old!)
He makes cute and funny, out-there comments, and that is why I love him sooooooo..... hee hee!
Check it out if you have 10mins to kill.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Rob made 20 most beautiful people!

Here's a smoldering, smoky, hot, well, you get the idea... picture (focus, Val!) of Rob from his photo shoot for Interview magazine. They named him and Ashley Green two of the top twenty most beautiful people of the decade!
I think that yes, in fact if there were twenty Rob's, that he would be in the top 20, cuz he'd be all of them! Did that make sense? Btw, he's doing the "I want to bite her neck!" look in Twilight during the lab scene! Chilllllling!

Rob's movie release date

Hmm... I just can't get used to seeing him with another actress. It looks weird! It's either got to be Kristen Stewart, or ME!!!
But anyway, it's coming out March 12, 2010. I'll be bugging my peeps.

Happy Birthday, Steph!

It's my new hero and author extraordinaire.... Stephenie Meyer's birthday!!!

Monday, December 21, 2009

More Designs from moi

I've been busy... thinking up Twilight designs, that is!
The first couple of ones are my character themes. Kinda simple, maybe even too plain. Then I have a holiday inspired design, and lastly a Volterra one.
More at my store!

New Team Jacob Stuffs

This post is for my homegirl Nessie, aka Team Jacob leader! (Everyone she knows is on her team, she must be hypnotizing them, I think!)
Anyway, Hot Topic has got some more new merchandise - a reversible Jacob hoodie!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

It's Official! I'm going to the Twilight Convention!

Yes, yes, and YES! Sorry, don't mean to get all hot and bothered, but I'm going to the Twilight convention next year in Hawaii! I'm so excited! Esme (my TwiFamily member) has purchased four tickets for us, so it's official!
We will be sitting in reserved seating (that's right, reserved baby...) for all three days of the convention! So that means, we get to attend all the day time events like the star appearances, Q&As, contests, etc.
And (most importantly), we get autographs from all the Twi-celebs that will be there! So far, it's Alex, Alex, and Alex. Ooops, can't seem to say his name enough. Start over:

Paul (Alex Meraz) - irate wolfpack member
Sam (Chaske Spencer) - wolfpack alpha male
Embry (Kiowa Gordon) - recent wolfpack member
Felix (Daniel Cudmore) - Volturi guard that kicks Edward's butt
Demetri (Charlie Bewley) - Volturi guard that just grabs Alice's neck

So all these New Moon guys are going to be there! Us girls are hoping for some Cullen blood to show up, though! Somebody's gotta represent the vampires! Hopefully Rob will get some Hawaiian fever and find the urge to come visit our islands by then! Well, one can wish...

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Anna Kendrick up for a Golden Globe!

Go Anna, go Anna... who knew that the actress playing the role of ditzy Jessica in Twilight and New Moon would be nominated for Best Supporting Actress for a Golden Globe award! Nooo... sorry, not for Twilight or New Moon, but her role in the movie Up in the Air.
I haven't seen the movie, so I can't imagine her in any other role than that of Jessica. But I must say she cracked me up with her opinions on zombie movies in New Moon. ("Like, what is that supposed to be, a view on capitalism?")

Thursday, December 10, 2009

My Latest Design

Hey y'all female Twilighters, check out my new design! I must've been in some "sisterhood of the travelling pants" mode when I created this... you can also check out this design here.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Valentine's Day Trailer

Here I go again, posting videos! Sorry...
But it's a trailer for Taylor's upcoming romantic comedy called "Valentine's Day"! But much to my disappointment, he is NOT in the trailer... dude, whoever marketed this thing is sooooo going the wrong way, because Taylor is IN & HOT right now!
After watching the preview I definitely want to go see it, looks like a cute movie. But oddly reminds me "He's Just Not That Into You" or some other romantic comedy that has a ton of famous actors in it.

New Moon Quiz

Test your Twi-knowledge with this movie-based quiz on New Moon, it's pretty neat! You can take it here. Only thing is, I'm not so sure which one I got wrong...
New Moon - Could you make it as a member of the Cullen family?
Find New Moon at LocateTV

Taylor the Amazing Grape Catcher!

I don't normally put videos on my blog page, but this is a must-see. It's the ending part of Taylor Lautner's interview with Conan, and towards the end of the clip Conan asks him to demonstrate his rumoured amazing grape catching skills. Taylor agrees, and WOW! That boy is talented! I mean, I don't even think Petey can do that! Val moves up a notch on the Team Jacob ladder...

Taylor Lautner on SNL!

Yes! Finally, a Twilight cast member hosting SNL!
This should be great - don't forget to watch it on December 12th. Musical guest will be Bon Jovi.
What I'd like to see Taylor doing: a parody of Rob playing Edward? That would totally crack me up.

What Did He Say?!

You might need a translator for some of the sayings from New Moon. Which are not, by the way, in the book!
Here's one from the almost-kiss scene with Jacob in Bella's kitchen. Just before he reaches in to land her one, he softly mutters something in his native Quileute language, leaving fans like us wanting to know the meaning!
Good thing there are crazies like me posting the answers so I may easily Google them!

Friday, December 4, 2009

New Moon for the FOURTH time!!!

They say third time's a charm??? I say it's more like fourth!
Just saw New Moon with my gals +1 Twi-newb, and can't say that I'm tired of it yet!
Figured out that they have an Edward sped-up scene as he gets out of the truck after taking her home from that ill-fated birthday party. Didn't even notice that the first/second/third time! (Enter Esme "hello, he's a vampire?!")
My sis, who officially announced to me that she's on Team Jacob (whatever!) after seeing New Moon also brought to my attention Bella's "hungry eyes". Hungry as in can't take her eyeballs off of Jacob's chest! After she mentioned it I made sure to watch out for it, and sure enough she hardly looked him in the eyes! But you know, it could be that she is really getting into the role of Bella, who is so down-in-the-dumps that she can't even look at people's faces... no? Yeah, can't blame her for looking where she does anyhoots.
She also mentioned that the ending with Victoria is very unclear to an non-reader. Absolutely correct, all we see is her sinking back into the water maliciously... and it isn't explained why she didn't just attack Bella & Jacob on the beach.
And Edward's telephone call - I just realized that they didn't follow the book in the sense that Jacob thought it was Carlisle calling. In the movie he is very aware that it's Edward's voice?
Our Twi-newb gal pal does agree that Jacob's abs are indeed yummy=looking, but she can't get over that fact how cruel Bella is in the movie. And yes, it's true. I think she seems a tad bit more selfish on screen than in the book. I guess she does a lot more explaining/discouraging to Jacob in the book, that's why.
So yea, just some tidbits I picked up here and there... all I can say/sigh is "Oh, Edward..."

Monday, November 23, 2009

Why New Moon Rocks!


After seeing New Moon for (gasp) three times, I can safely say that not only was I completely satisfied with the movie as a fan, but that it blew me away! Here's why:

1) It was so true to the book.
Twilight was pretty straight and stayed on the book, but New Moon added little tidbits from the book that you didn't even expect! I was impressed how they managed to get the viewer into the mind of Bella - from how it was difficult for her to even say Edward's name out loud to can't believing that there are werewolves and vampires that actually exist in Forks. I think it was awesome that they included the months that Edward was gone, and I love how they did it (although it was a bit dizzy.) Those kind of little things are really important, and it's great that they didn't forget about them when making the movie.

2) Taylor nails it!
You have to admit that although Taylor Lautner is so loveable as an actor, whether he could really handle the role of Jacob in New Moon. But he really has matured physically and mentally, it seems. He delivers, and surprises even the non-believers that he is and will always be Jacob. You gotta love those cut-off shorts, too! But although his body is indeed lovely, when you're watching the movie you can really see how he is going through all these range of emotions from falling in love with Bella to being frustrated with his transformation into becoming a shapeshifter.

3) Edward, Edward, Edward!
My only complaint here is that there was not enough of Rob! Ok, ok, he wasn't really in the book that much to begin with, I know... Well my giddiness started from when he was doing his "walk" from his Volvo, but after he started reciting lines from Romeo & Juliet that's when I was like "I'm in love with him all over again! [sigh]" He did a good job in the break-up scene and the hallucination images, and I just love how he says "Heaven" when Bella saves him in Volterra, thinking that he died already. Gotta love that reunion kiss, too! But my favorite smooch was their first one in the school parking lot.
OK, all of my friends complain about Rob's body in this movie - and all I have to say is, he DID work out, ok?! He just doesn't have the body type that will allow him to really bulk up like Taylor, so I thought he looked juuuuuust fine.... Of course he won't look as lovely as Jacob, because he's supposed to be pale, not to mention they were trying to make him look gaunt, ok?!

4) Cool music montages
Twilight had the neat vampire baseball scene with Muse in the background. New Moon has an awesome Victoria chase scene with Radiohead's Thom Yorke's song playing. And I just love it! There's beautiful forest scenery, wolves and Victoria running, all put together really well with the song. Cool CG effects of their speed, too. Seeing this makes me melancholy about Rachelle not being able to play Victoria in Eclipse, though...
There is actually another song playing while Jacob & Bella's relationship progresses, and the scenes they show with it are cool, too. You basically have them tinkering in Jacob's garage, but it explains well how it helped heal Bella and how loveable Jacob is.

5) The little things
How irrelevant this is, I don't know, but did you guys just love the steam coming out of Jacob's body! It would be like pouring rain, and you see this steam rising around him, cuz his body's so hot! And of course, that would totally make sense, because wolves run around 108 degrees, right? And how he warms Bella in the truck? I just love how they included that bit about how he is like his own sun, because his body and personality are so warm. That is classic Jacob, and so important to convey to the viewer, because it's that type of quality that makes Bella fall in love with him!

OK, so now that I've built this movie up, I'll talk about what I didn't like in it. And basically, it's that there wasn't enough of certain things! I know that due to time restraints it's impossible to get everything crammed in there, but I did want more of the wolfpack in the movie! The Volturi, also! Alex barely said one line in it, along with Heidi.

But other than that, this movie did a great job of interpreting the book! It's not as exciting as Twilight, because you already know that Edward is a vampire and that he loves Bella, but the main point that needed to be covered was that Edward made a mistake by leaving her, and that it cost him by forcing her to seek refuge in the arms of Jacob. And the movie is totally about him, as it should be!

Rest of the Countdown

Sorry, I got so caught up in the New Moon pre-fever that I forgot to post the rest of the countdown!

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Well... you know, since he's going to be on the Rachael Ray show today!!!


Tuesday, November 10, 2009


... And the countdown continues! ...

Monday, November 9, 2009

Gobble, Gobble! My New Thanksgiving Design!

Only my weird mind could somehow tie-in the Cullens and the Thanksgiving holiday... you can also check it out here.

Friday, November 6, 2009

New Fall Design

I enjoyed my SF trip, but it's nice to be back! I was just itching to make this design, it was stuck in my head for quite awhile... you can also check it out here.

Let the countdown begin...

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Twilight Convention Please Come to Hawaii!

Some new news! They've listed the cast appearances for the Hawaii Twi-con! And to my pleasure, Alex will be there! EEEEK!!! Check out the info here.

OK, I'm sorry, but I heard about how much tickets to this thing costs... it's just plain crazy! $300 is just highway robbery! And the photo-ops, etc cost more??? Oh, please.... so seriously, who would like to start contributing to the "Send Val to the Twilight Convention" fund???

Well, ladies and gentlemen, it looks like our prayers have been answered! We, the Twilighters of the 50th state, have been heard! Because look at the NEW updated list for the Twilight Convention!!! Thanks, Chanel, for the heads up!

I know we are just a little set of islands located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, but we, the people of the 50th state, would appreciate some acknowledgement here!

Twilight Guide has posted that Creation Entertainment is starting a Twilight Convention 2010 National Tour. They've posted some of the big cities they'll be hitting, and unfortunately Honolulu is not on the tour list (yet!) These conventions include celebrity visits with autograph and photo ops, Twilight-themed parties, Q&A sessions, and the part I like the best - Twilight shopping!

So why, why won't they come here? What actor/actress couldn't resist taking a breather in paradise while making some money? Aw, come on...

Oh, my Edward...

Had to interrupt my blogging hiatus because these were too awesome to pass on sharing!
These Vanity Fair outtakes courtesy of the New site are just, just,... can't say anymore, cuz my breath is gone!!! Sorry bout chopping off some of them, I automatically uploaded them as the LARGEST image I could~ lol! Enjoy, and are you wondering whether you're really on Team Jacob???

Friday, October 16, 2009

Just a Tidbit from my Trip!

Hehe, yesterday we stopped by In N Out and there's a Krispy Kreme right near it! I love their burgers, you can ask for grilled onions at no charge! Sorry, all you local folks, don't mean to torment you! I was good and didn't go get doughnuts afterwards, though. Even though they did have this special Halloween one that I wanted!!

Dude, that's totally dangerous - a Krispy Kreme next to an In N Out...

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

New Moon Soundtrack Out Early!

Just checked out Stephenie Meyer's page, and it was announced through an email from Atlantic Records that due to an "overwhelming and unprecedented demand", they are pushing up the release of the New Moon soundtrack 4 days early!
So instead of patiently waiting till next Tuesday to pick up your copy, you can go ahead and raid the stores this Friday! LOL

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Blogging Hiatus!

Hey y'all, if you don't already know, I'll be out of town for the next three weeks chillin with my family in San Francisco! Not to say I still won't be updating this blog, but you might see some changes, because my sister's computer does not have Photoshop, so indeed I just may die a slow death.
Jus kiddin, my blog may just look plainer, ok? And to all my viewers have a good Halloween! I just love how this holiday comes before the premiere of a Twilight movie!!!

And at Penny's....

Just when you think everyone had finished jumping on the bandwagon.... yet another retailer out to grab our Twilight money! It's JC Penny this time! You can check out their whole line here. Oh, and if anybody falls in love with these designs just text/comment me, I'll be in SF e.g. I can go shop at Penny's if I need to!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

New Moon Puzzle Game

The Twilight Guide, in all their techno-saviness, have come up with some cute puzzles that you can play and post on your sites! There's a bunch of them that you can customize here. And try this one out!


Borders New Moon Merchandise

And so it has started... the shopping frenzy for New Moon! Hot Topic just released their new line of merchandise, and now Borders has opened their doors to their own line of clothing/accessories. You can check out all details at the Borders Twilight Shop.
There are several neat t-shirt designs, a bunch of accessories that look Native American to tie in with the Quileute culture, and your usual knick-knacks such as bookmarks.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Taylor's Rolling Stones Photoshoot Out Takes

Ok, Ok, so after posting Taylor up as the new "Hunk of the Moment", I quickly realized that I could not possible pass up on all these other pics from his Rolling Stones photoshoot! So um, ahem... here they are for your viewing pleasure!!! I mean, viewing happiness...

"They call it Boooogie....."

Alrighty, I've just decided to buy this Rolling Stones issue when it comes out.... yuuuup....

Hi, may I please be your sweater??? (Actually, I kinda WANT that sweater, it's nice!)

You can check out all 50+ yummy pics here.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Another Chance to Win a Trip to the New Moon Premiere!

Wow, some retailers are really taking advantage of this New Moon fever and amping up their promotions. Nordstrom is also having an online sweepstakes for a chance to fly up to the premiere and check out the red carpet! Enter here. So like, is Edward only wearing suits in the movie, or what??

Yay! Death Cab for Cutie's "Meet Me on the Equinox" Music Video!

Premiered by MTV a couple hours ago... but poor Jacob, no screenshots of him! I guess the song is about Edward & Bella only... heh heh heh... go Team Edward!
This is one of the screenshots from the video that the New fan site posted. Ah... Edward in a suit... standing in the middle of the forest... I will take three, please!
Enjoy the video here.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Hot Topic Listening Party

Well, it's that time of the year again - Hot Topic will preview the New Moon soundtrack at a listening party where you can also pre-order and receive a free gift! (Bookmarks again, perhaps?) The cd is due out October 20th.
Do you guys remember when we went to the first one? Some memorable highlights:

-Introduction to Tanya's "boyfriend" (but what does he look like without the make-up/he dances weird!)
-The HT employee innocently telling us about the listening party that will take place in a few hours when in fact, we were already there ready for it.
-Dinner/killing time at Islands burgers (was it really already a year ago?)
-Us trying to figure out which song is Rob's, not knowing that in fact he is the one that sounds like Willie Nelson!

Too bad I won't be here for it this time... I will keep in touch with everyone through my blog, though! :)

Val's Caption #3

4tnz is having another caption contest, so I thought I'd give it a go! Tee hee!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Amazon New Moon Premiere Drawing

Hey, all you Amazon shoppers! I just found out that there will be a drawing going on for a chance to win a trip for two to the premiere of New Moon!
The contest is part of's 10th Anniversary Wishlist Sweepstakes, and this drawing is for Week 1, which is 10/5 - 10/11. So hurry up and enter!
But how do I do that, you say? It's easy! Just create/add to/share a wishlist that you already have on Amazon. If you don't have one, simply create one, and viola! You are automatically entered into the drawing.
This is pretty cool, because not only do you get to fly up to L.A. for the premiere (air and accommodations included), but you get to meet the cast, too!
By the way, they are handing out several other cool prizes during this sweepstakes that will continue on for 10 weeks starting today. Week 3 is a chance to meet the Jonas Brothers! Woops, divulged a little too much about me there...
Good luck!